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Where Can I Read the Vigano Letter Accusing Pope Francis

Vigano letter exposes the coup d'état against Pope Francis

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano'south testimony proves one affair: The former Vatican ambassador to the United States is to the clergy sexual activity abuse crunch what Oliver Stone is to the assassination of President John Kennedy, a trafficker in conspiracy theories who mixes fact, fiction and venom to produce something explosive just also suspicious. When y'all finish reading this testimony, every bit at the end of Rock's 1991 movie "JFK," you can but conclude that the product tells united states of america more virtually the author than it does about the subject area.

Vigano is certainly correct that Cardinal Angelo Sodano, longtime Secretary of Country to Pope John Paul II, was a patron of disgraced former-key Theodore McCarrick. Stone recognized the bump-off happened in Dallas. But why does Vigno fail to mention the key role played past Key Stanislaus Dsiwisz in protecting McCarrick?

Vigano alleges that Pope Francis lifted sanctions confronting McCarrick that had been imposed past Pope Benedict. Indeed, the headline on the Edward Pentin story that broke the news of this testimony reads "Ex-nuncio Accuses Pope Francis of Failing to Act on McCarrick'south Corruption." Just, Francis did act. He is the i who removed McCarrick from ministry building in June. The central focus of this testimony is the claim that Bridegroom issued sanctions confronting McCarrick: "the Cardinal was to go out the seminary where he was living, he was forbidden to gloat [Mass] in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, to travel, with the obligation of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance," Vigano writes.

During the Benedict papacy, with my ain optics I witnessed McCarrick celebrate Mass in public, participate in meetings, travel, etc. More importantly, so did Pope Bridegroom! If Bridegroom imposed these penalties, he certainly did non use them. He continued to receive McCarrick with the balance of the Papal Foundation, continued to permit him to celebrate Mass publicly at the Vatican, even concelebrating with Benedict at events similar consistories. (See photo above taken in 2010.) But, every bit Vigano tell is, it is all Pope Francis' mistake.

Vigano is more than a fiddling obsessed with homosexuality and names prelates whom he accuses of supporting efforts at "subverting Cosmic doctrine on homosexuality." Filmmaker Stone was obsessed with the grassy knoll. Dorsum in my seminary days, when i of the seminarians would give testify of this kind of obsession, making wild claims most homosexuality, its sources and its furnishings, ignoring the emerging scientific and psychological information, the balance of u.s.a. would await at each other and someone would say, "I would similar to accept a look at her dance card."

Something similar is playing out all this summer. Bishops and archbishops speak near gay people with such hatred, you inquire yourself how a minister of the Gospel could speak so nastily about other human beings and then it hits you: They are not speaking about other human beings. and you've got to wonder if what you are watching is self-hatred unfolding.

Unfortunately, Vigano's tissue of misinformation will leave its mark. In the midst of a feeding frenzy, no ane stops to ask basic questions and fifty-fifty journalists tin can forget to undertake bones tasks similar asking for corroboration or looking at the questions a text such as Vigano'southward poses. Here are a few of my questions:

Vigano says he must unburden his conscience at present.  Why now? If he felt as disturbed by the filth equally he claims to have been, why did he not say anything publicly or at to the lowest degree speak to the bishops conference? I recall a few years dorsum, at a meeting of bishops' conference, sitting outside the ballroom in Baltimore chatting with a monsignor from the nunciature. He was waiting for Vigano who was in the executive session of the bishops' meeting. Why did he say zippo so?

If, as he claims, McCarrick had such great influence with Francis, how does he explicate McCarrick's fisticuffs with the Argentine bishops over Fr. Carlos Buela and the Establish of the Incarnate Give-and-take? When the Argentine bishops, nether the leadership of so-Cardinal Bergoglio, refused to ordain the Incarnate Word seminarians, McCarrick stepped in to do it.

McCarrick had nothing, aught, to do with the selection of Bishop Blase Cupich to become archbishop of Chicago, nor with Archbishop Joseph Tobin going to Newark. It is true that these major sees were filled without the nuncio's consent or input, which tells you lot only that Francis recognized only how sick he was before the rest of us did. My canis familiaris Ambrose has more influence with Pope Francis than McCarrick did.

Vigano even reaches back to recruit the late Jesuit Fr. Bob Drinan for his conspiracy, and the signatories of the 1967 Land O' Lakes argument on Cosmic college educational activity. Really? I am reminded of an erstwhile Joan Rivers joke about the fact that a UFO has never landed at Harvard or Yale or Stanford. It is always iii yahoos in a option-up drinking beer: "I saw it! There it was!" Church Militant, the Central Newman Lodge, LifeSiteNews, these are the church building'due south drunk yahoos and information technology has been clear for some time that Vigano sees eye-to-eye with these characters. Remember how he tried to ruin a unlike papal trip? It was he who in 2015 brought Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to result union licenses to same-sexual activity couples, in to come across Francis and falsely presented her as a champion of religious liberty. In fact, Davis was sent to jail because she sought to impose her religious views on others.

And, as my colleague Joshua McElwee pointed out, nosotros know how much Vigano cares about the victims of clergy sexual practice abuse. In Minnesota, Vigano encouraged Auxiliary Bishop Lee Piche to destroy documents relating to the investigation of Archbishop John Nienstedt.

Vigano is a disgruntled old employee. Such people are ever a scrap aroused. They are as well often a chip unreliable. He was always a crackpot. Simply, make no mistake: This is a coordinated attack on Pope Francis. A putsch is afoot and if the U.S. bishops practice non, every bit a body, stand up to defend the Holy Male parent in the next 24 hours, we shall be slipping towards schism long before the bishops meeting in November. The enemies of Francis have declared war.

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Source: https://www.ncronline.org/news/accountability/distinctly-catholic/vigano-letter-exposes-putsch-against-pope-francis

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